The New Series

If you haven’t already noticed, Leadership in Chaos is back with an exciting new series – Confessions of a Guru.  The “Guru” label is deliberately ironic as, in the age of the un-curated digital platform, everyone – it seems – is suddenly a Guru. Self-proclaimed anyway. 😉

The format is to choose a story from my 30+ years of working with leaders globally which illustrates the best or the worst of some aspect of leadership. 

After telling the story I then extrapolate the message application for you to consider in your life and work.  I know you’re busy so it will be always brief!

 Part 2 : The “Non-Negotiables”

This story is very recent and, as we’re in Strategy season, stems from an Executive off-site to accomplish just that. The Episode title comes from a scene from Season 3 of The Bear (Disney+) where Carmy is relating his view of what’s required for a restaurant to be “excellent every day” – his “Non-Negotiables”. Bon Appetit!

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