Podcast Transcripts

21st January 2025

Ep 71: Confessions of a Guru – Part 4: Calmest Person in the Boat

Hi, I'm Ian McLean, founder of Flow Group and GreenLine Conversations. This podcast has grown out of the chaos that's been thrust upon us. And in it, I share the best of 25 years of helping leaders in business organizations deal and cope with change. So, as you're out there, busy making sense of it all, trying to cope, and repurposing your organisations, I'm hoping that some of this will provide some help, some of the time. I'll keep it deliberately short because I know you're busy. Let's dive in. Against the backdrop of Trump's inauguration speech. Depending on which commentator you read, in anticipation and on the lead-up, there's an expectation, or a trepidation, probably more accurately, about what is likely to ensue. Anything from irregularity and uncertainty to chaos to, as the Russell Crowe character announced in the film Gladiator: Unleash Hell. As leaders, we have to lead in spite of the circumstances and in spite of the uncertainty that might surround us in any situation, particularly one as acute as this. I thought this might be a good episode to dedicate or devote to the ability of leaders to stay and remain calm under pressure. You see, the ability to remain calm in the teeth of the gale of uncertainty is one of those silent characteristics that rarely gets really applauded in leadership journals. But in my experience is the thing that is most critical when it comes to establishing and building a leader's reputation. In the first instance, I'm reminded of, an episode which took place when I was growing up in my childhood, I can remember the whole idea of a refugee crisis, which was a relatively novel thing at the time, even though it isn't today. And it was about a displaced population in Vietnam at the time, after the Vietnamese war. Whilst it's not unusual today, it was very unusual back then. And there was a story of the people who were fleeing a war torn country in Vietnam to try to get away and they were taking any means or method that they could, often in very unseaworthy vessels to, sail away and find themselves some new land somewhere in an effort to build a new life. The collective grouping was called or became known as the Vietnamese Boat People. And, over a period of time, the boats that left the country would sail and begin to turn up in various states in other countries outside of Vietnam. What the rescuers discovered is entirely predictable. They found a lot of disease, death, mortality, distress, inevitably, but they began to realize that not all boats were equal. They turned up on the shores, and they discovered that there were a very small minority of boats that seemed to have a disproportionately higher level of wellness, not in the modern-day sense, of course. Amongst some of the boats, and they were mystified by this because on the surface it all seemed equal, but they…
28th November 2024

Ep 70: Confessions of a Guru – Part 3: Can you handle the Truth?

Hi, I'm Ian McLean, founder of Flow Group and GreenLine Conversations. This podcast has grown out of the chaos that's been thrust upon us. And in it, I share the best of 25 years of helping leaders in business organizations deal and cope with change. So, as you're out there, busy making sense of it all, trying to cope, and repurposing your organisations, I'm hoping that some of this will provide some help, some of the time. I'll keep it deliberately short, because I know you're busy. Let's dive in. One of the greatest joys of being around in business for the last 30 years is the boomerang client. These are people who you've worked with previously who come around again and are on their second or third or maybe even, in our cases, Sometimes fourth incarnation of companies and places that they are working. And one of the greatest delights is when you get a spontaneous phone call, looking to reconnect, to explore working together again on a new piece of work. This, may I say, is happening more frequently and with a surprising level of frequency. and I can recommend it very highly as a business development strategy. This happened relatively recently when an old client called up out of the blue who just relocated and repositioned herself in a new company. We first filled in some blanks about the past and what had been going on in life in between times. And then she gave me a brief description of the opportunity with the new client and the new location that she was present. But it didn't take long before we went back and reflected on the work that I had done with her previous employer. She wasn't that senior at the time, she'd moved up the ranks subsequently, so she wasn't directly involved in the work that I was doing. We, the Flow Group, had done one significant piece of work with this client which had had a really powerful impact. However, after the initial phase of the work, all we got in return was radio silence. The leadership subsequently failed to engage with us at any level and without explanation. So at a certain point, we just moved on. So to satisfy my own curiosity, I asked my new client who had worked there at the time for an explanation. Here was her reply. She said, most of us really loved it. In fact, it's why I'm back here with you today in my new company. But to be honest, you were just getting too close to the truth. And leadership didn't like it. You see, this whole idea about truth, everybody values truth, integrity, and authenticity. Nobody's going to say that they don't. But not everybody is prepared to pay the price. One of my favorite things to do with a group is to ask the question, hands up here, who wants change? And practically every hand goes up. I follow it with a…
19th November 2024

Ep 69: Confessions of a Guru – Part 2: The Non- Negotiables

 The more digital the world becomes, the more we must emphasise what makes us most human” – Jack Ma This episode unveils the 4 Emotionally Intelligent “Cards” that – played right – help build connection and commitment : Humanity’s trump card in an increasingly digital deck.
19th November 2024

69: Ep 69: Confessions of a Guru – Part 2: The “Non-Negotiables”

The New SeriesIf you haven’t already noticed, Leadership in Chaos is back with an exciting new series – Confessions of a Guru.  The “Guru” label is deliberately ironic as, in the age of the un-curated digital platform, everyone - it seems - is suddenly a Guru. Self-proclaimed anyway. 😉 The format is to choose a story from my 30+ years of working with leaders globally which illustrates the best or the worst of some aspect of leadership.  After telling the story I then extrapolate the message application for you to consider in your life and work.  I know you’re busy so it will be always brief!  Part 2 : The “Non-Negotiables”This story is very recent and, as we’re in Strategy season, stems from an Executive off-site to accomplish just that. The Episode title comes from a scene from Season 3 of The Bear (Disney+) where Carmy is relating his view of what’s required for a restaurant to be “excellent every day” – his "Non-Negotiables". Bon Appetit! Support the show
29th October 2024

Ep 68: Confessions of a Guru – Part 1: The Say-Do Gap

Leadership in Chaos is back with an exciting new series – Confessions of a Guru. The “Guru” label is deliberately ironic as, in the age of the infinite digital platform, everyone, it seems, is a guru. By self-appointment. 😉 The format is to choose a story from my 30+ years of working with leaders globally, which, illustrates the best or the worst of some aspects of leadership. After telling the story, I then extrapolate the message application for you to consider in your life and work. I know you’re busy, so it will be always brief!
15th April 2024

EP 67: How to Lead in an Age of Chaos and Disruption – Part 4: Inspire Commitment

 The more digital the world becomes, the more we must emphasise what makes us most human” – Jack Ma This episode unveils the 4 Emotionally Intelligent “Cards” that – played right – help build connection and commitment : Humanity’s trump card in an increasingly digital deck.
15th April 2024

EP 66: How to Lead in an Age of Chaos and Disruption – Part 3: Create Clarity

 In times of ambiguity and uncertainty people look intensely to their leaders. As that leader, if you can be nothing else, be clear. This episode explains why and how.
15th April 2024

EP 65: How to Lead in an Age of Chaos and Disruption – Part 2: The Leadership Contribution

 Leadership isn’t about position, title or privilege – although many organisations operate as if it is. Leadership is best seen as a form of contribution. In this episode we unpack exactly what makes up that contribution.
15th April 2024

EP 64: How to Lead in an Age of Chaos and Disruption – Part 1: Chaos? Always!

We’re born without all the answers, we die without all the answers, yet we spend most of our lives looking for certainty. The problem lies not with the stars …but with ourselves. We spend this first episode of the Keynote series exploring why we crave certainty so much when the natural state is one of change, ambiguity, and Chaos. Therein lies our collective discomfort.  
18th April 2023

EP 63: Resist Temptation – Minimise Distraction

“The most scarce resource in the world today is attention” – Yuval Noah Harari. The only 2 industries that refer to customers as “users” are Big Tech and drug cartels. We live in an increasingly technology-fuelled Garden of Eden – an attention economy where the most sophisticated dark forces are constantly, covertly intent at work to distract you. If time is your most precious asset as a leader, then saving and spending it wisely becomes paramount. In this episode, Ian discusses how our old biological defences are hardly sea-worthy any longer and in this age of fierce clandestine competition for your attention, you’re gonna need a bigger boat (or at least a better way to navigate!) to stay afloat.
28th February 2023

Ep 62: “The Art of Leadership”

What has Art got to do with Leadership? Throughout nearly 30 years of working with leaders and leadership, the very best leaders Ian has encountered all have had one thing in common, irrespective of geography or industry: the sensibility of an artist. After all, leadership is all about creating something novel and new from just your imagination combined with the resources at your disposal whilst inspiring others to join in its creation. So just what is that artistic sensibility that separates the best from the rest?
14th February 2023

61: From the Archives: EP 29: Deepening Connections in Chaos

Whilst not obligatory that you “love” your people at work - in the amorous sense! - people at least need to know you, as the leader, have got their best interests at heart. On this Valentine’s Day, it is worth remembering that your connection to those that matter makes an enormous contribution to your leadership impact and results. In this episode, Ian revisits his discussion on how to deepen connections in the workplace.
19th January 2023

EP 60: Leadership Manifesto – 25 Principles for Leading in Chaos

In this episode, Ian discusses the lessons he has learnt over the past 25 years, through witnessing the best and worst of Leadership. He brings us through a Manifesto, consolidated into 25 Principles - of the essence of How to Be as a leader in a world of unending Chaos.
10th November 2022

EP 59 : Leadership in Lay-offs – Twitter Vs Stripe

“It’s only when the tide goes out you see who’s been swimming in the nude” – Warren Buffett. As a leader the decision to let people go is never easy, but sometimes necessary. Nonetheless, it is often in these Moments that Matter where leaders show what stuff they are really made of. Ian discusses how the current high-profile Tech lay-offs provide a unique test for leaders in a sector that has enjoyed rock-star growth throughout the last 2 decades.
25th October 2022

EP 58: “leadershipinchaos.gov.uk”

“Useless. Shambles. Incompetent. CHAOS” These were the dominant words of a GB News Peoples’ Poll Wordcloud last week as the Tory party unravelled amidst a sequence of bizarre and barely credible events. But what role did Leadership have to play in the absurdist drama and what was it Liz Truss did or didn’t do to contribute to her own ultimate downfall? This episode unpicks the very clear failures of the leader and the obvious cause-and-effect lessons in the whole sorry piece.
9th August 2022

EP 57: Leadership Manifesto: Principle #18 – Keep Your Focus – Avoid Procrastination

To be human is to procrastinate. The Greeks even had a special word for it "akrasia". However, it’s not a great device for leadership effectiveness when keeping focus is critical. The tendency towards Procrastination, and it’s full-sister Distraction, is becoming increasingly a topic of conversation with leaders. Ian discusses why does it happen? why is it increasingly emerging now? and what can we do to combat its creep?
1st June 2022

EP 56: Leadership Manifesto: Principle #19 – Stay Golden – Look after #1

Normal service is resumed as Ian returns to the Manifesto and explores how to preserve and protect the biggest asset any team has – you as the leader. Often ignoring their own needs and deprived in the service of others, the book title “Leaders Eat Last” promotes the idea of servant leadership (which I applaud by the way) ….however….Leaders Gotta Eat! How does a leader effectively balance doing the best for their people and their enterprise without doing the worst for themselves? Feast yourself!
5th May 2022

EP 53: Leadership in the New World (Dis)Order – Part 1

Ian is interrupting normal service for a newsflash! Such has been the demand recently out there for a succinct summary of what it means to be a leader now we are starting The Great Reset for society, work and life, that Ian has composed a triple-decker episode that roughly mirrors a keynote he is delivering to address the question. Many of the previous themes are peppered throughout, along with a few new nuggets for the latest version of the New World (Dis)Order. 
5th May 2022

EP 54: Leadership in the New World (Dis)Order – Part 2

In Part 2 of 3, Ian further explores Leading in the New World of (Dis) Order. Ian looks at the neuroscience of leadership, the Intention/ Impact gap and the importance of Self Awareness. Enjoy!
5th May 2022

EP 55: Leadership in the New World (Dis)Order – Part 3

In part 3 of 3, Ian continues this mini season on Leadership in the New World (Dis) Order. Insights include: How Leadership is the Same but Different. How we invest in the wrong things. Leadership’s 2 Great Underestimations. The 3 Magic Ingredients for post-pandemic leadership. Why Curiosity is the new Courage.
31st March 2022

EP 52: Leadership Manifesto: Principle #20 – Zoom Out Often

We often do our best thinking when we are not thinking. From Archimedes to Newton, great breakthrough discovery examples “away from the job” are rife in science, technology and the arts. It appears that it is often through a break that we really break through. Leadership is fundamentally about setting the right direction and making the right choices. Those choices, however, are only as good as the perspectives they are based on. In this episode, Ian explains how our “factory setting” as a species is an up-close perspective as it aids our survival in the moment. So how do you rise above your default programming to Zoom Out and gain enough valuable perspective to truly break through?
15th March 2022

EP 51: 2 year anniversary & 50 Episodes later….Reflections of an accidental podcaster.

It’s almost 2 years to the day since Ian began this podcast and 50 episodes later, he wanted to pause and momentarily to Zoom Out and reflect.
3rd March 2022

EP 50: Leadership Manifesto: Principle #21 – Choose Consciously and Wisely

“In every situation there is a space between the situation and how you respond”. Viktor Frankl. Think about this : The quality and situation of your life right now is the aggregate total of every decision you have ever made. Luck certainly plays a part - and there have been many “sliding doors” moments I’m sure, but ultimately, it is not what happened in those moments, but rather how you responded to what happened in those moments that made the difference.
15th February 2022

EP 49: Leadership Manifesto: Principle #25 Happiness in 3 Parts

“There is no way to Happiness. Happiness is the way.”Thich Nhat Hanh. In response to the reaction from the “Leadership Manifesto – 22 Principles for ‘22” episode, Ian has been persuaded to build out the Manifesto into a season, with each episode delving into the principles one by one, and in greater detail. Starting with #22 we will work backwards principle-by-principle until we arrive an #1. That way, instead of just chapter headings with some brief elaboration, by the end of the season you will literally “have the book” on how to Lead in Chaos.
13th January 2022

EP 48: Leadership Manifesto: 25 Principles for Leading in Chaos in ’23

Building on the previous episode of Chaos as the new constant, Ian composed a Leadership Manifesto for the absurd times we live in titled Principles for Leading in Chaos of’22 Leadership Principles include:Hold your Assumptions lightly, not tightly. Use your imagination wisely, Beware your Comparative Mind, Communicate for your Audience, not Yourself. Iterate! And Re-Iterate.
17th December 2021

EP 47: Chaos is the New Normal

The popularised phrase “New Normal” is at best lazy, and at worst destructively misleading for leadership in every dimension – language, expectation and mindset. Yet people continue to strive for and promote it. For 30 years, the most popular remark Ian consistently hears from leaders going through change is “I can’t wait until this is over and we can return to normal”. Funny thing is, it never happened. Ever. What happens when leaders realise and accept the Chaos is constant – always was – and is, in fact, the New Normal.
24th November 2021

EP 46: Lessons from COP26

In Episode 46, Ian explores the lessons and parallels we can extract from the 2 week COP26 summit and how they map across to your world as a leader. This episode builds perfectly onto our previous mini-season on Leading Teams in Chaos (episodes 39-42).
3rd November 2021

EP 45: Finding Flow in Chaos

Last month saw the passing of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, author of Flow – the seminal work that describes the human state of happiness, optimal experience and high performance. The book (and his research) has subsequently influenced everything from office design, to how to train soldiers, website and video game design amongst everything else. In this episode, Ian commemorates the author by synthesizing the essence of his work (in less than 15 minutes!) and describing how the Flow state is an absolute panacea for the 3 symptoms of our present COVID “hangover”.
11th October 2021

EP 44: Do The Right Things

According to Peter Drucker – if management is about doing things right, then leadership is doing the right things. Ian took a break from the Podcast for some Zooming Out time during summer but, since his return, has found it a very big challenge to return to the discipline of the broadcast because of competing pressures. This episode uses this most typical challenge to ask (and answer!) the question : “How do you get to do the things you need to do but just can’t find the time?”
1st July 2021

EP 43: Building Trust in Teams – Part 1

In this sub-set of the mini-season on Leading Teams in Chaos, Ian focuses on Trust. Isn’t it peculiar that whilst everyone agrees that Trust is a crucial ingredient to growing high performance in a team, Ian has never - in almost 30 years working with teams globally - been asked to host a conversation to discuss the topic specifically. In this episode he explores why this is. Ian also shares a more workable definition of Trust and its component parts, that helps turn the abstract into something more tangible and therefore more manageable.
10th June 2021

EP 42: Leading Teams in Chaos – Part 4

In this fourth part of a mini-season on Leading Teams in Chaos, Ian reflects on how nearly all leaders know what it’s like to be part of a highly effective team, but very few know how to build one. He also consolidates the agreements a team needs to make, and explores the 4 Commitment Cards to arrive at those agreements so that the team members feel committed, not just compliant.
12th May 2021

EP 41: Leading Teams in Chaos – Part 3

In this third part of a mini-series on Leading Teams in Chaos Ian discusses how Behaviour is the orphaned child of Effectiveness. Why Task is consistently prioritised over Behaviour. Why talking about Culture empties the room and how to agree Ways of Working that gets commitment and lasts.
15th April 2021

EP 40: Leading Teams in Chaos – Part 2

In this second part of our mini-series on Leading Teams in Chaos, Ian focuses on why leaders need to look focus on “Agreeing the Why”. This concentrates on the importance of connecting a team to its purpose, as a chief source of meaning and motivation. Enjoy!
25th March 2021

EP 39: Leading Teams in Chaos – Part 1

In this first part of a mini-season on Leading Teams in Chaos, Part 1 observes how the Covid story is writing itself, chapter by chapter, how Leaders are gradually now looking to Reset, Realign and Refocus their Teams. This mini-season focuses on helping you with the how and why.
4th March 2021

EP 38: How Now From Here – Part 4

In the final part of this series, Ian explores the final 3 C's of "being at your best when things are at their worst". Be Connected, Be Creative and Be Caring. Enjoy!
4th March 2021

EP 37: How Now From Here – Part 3

In part 3 of 4, Ian discusses the first 2 C's, of the model 5 C's "to be at your best when things are at their worst". They are Be Calm and Be Clear. Enjoy!
4th March 2021

EP 36: How Now From Here – Part 2.

In episode 2 of 4, Ian continues to summarise and highlight the best principles to help navigate our way forward from here. Insights include: Reviewing the context for Leadership; The Neurology of Leadership in Chaos; Being your Best when things are at their Worst; Leaders eat last…but they gotta eat!
4th March 2021

EP 35: How Now From Here – Part 1.

It’s been a year like no other. To commemorate one year on from the first Covid case in Ireland, and the first Leadership in Chaos podcast episode, Ian Zooms Out to look back over the past year and look forward to answer the question “How Now From Here?”
18th February 2021

EP 34: Finding Meaning in Chaos

In this episode Ian discusses Meaning. How leaders can help to create it. The power of Meaning. And what can happen in the absence of purpose and meaning. Enjoy!
4th February 2021

EP 33: “Taking Back Control” in Chaos

Last week, we hosted a Flow CEO Forum, which was the first of its kind virtually. Where we invited 10 CEOs from non-competing industries and non-competing organisations together in an open space environment to share what Marvin Gaye might describe or ask as "what's going on?". Check out the insights from this session.
21st January 2021

EP 32: Prioritising & Planning in Chaos

In this episode Ian focuses on why, counter-intuitively, Prioritising & Planning become even more crucial in Chaos. Enjoy!
13th January 2021

EP 31: Your PPE for a Better 2021

In the first of 2021, I share a simple but profound and effective way to prepare yourself for a better 2021 – in spite of the Chaos. The Leader's PPE stands for: P – Perspective (Scripting the right Story), Priorities (Choosing the right Action) , E – Equilibrium (Maintaining Resilience). The method is both holistic and human, and can be applied by both leaders and non-leaders.
16th December 2020

EP 30: Leadership Lessons in Chaos

In the final Episode of 2020 Ian selects the top 5 Leadership lessons we can extract from the most trying of years: Leadership is critical & not just necessary during Chaos, Life is random, discriminating, and unfair; meet it where it is, The “What’s Possible” mindset, The Old World wasn’t perfect anyway & People double down on their real self during Chaos.
2nd December 2020

EP 29: Deepening Connections in Chaos

This week Ian explores how to deepen connection. He explores how, we often think we’re building connection, when in fact we’re not, how our tacit wisdom is stronger than our intellectual knowledge and what to focus on to deepen connection. Enjoy!
24th November 2020

EP 28: We Need to Talk about Conversations

This week Ian discusses how to approach those Difficult Conversations, How to get “Comfortable with Uncomfortable” and How your Mindset influences the conversation outcome. Enjoy!
16th November 2020

EP 27: What the Trump legacy teaches us about Leadership

In this episode, Ian explains how leadership impact is real and really matters. He also recognises the importance of how the CEO is also the CCO (Chief Culture Officer). Enjoy!
28th October 2020

EP 26: The Leadership Contribution

In this week's episode, Ian discusses a way of viewing leadership as a form of contribution, which differs from the conventional way of viewing leadership as somebody who is at the top of a hierarchy.
20th October 2020

EP 25: What is Leadership? (in Chaos)

So far, the Leadership in Chaos Podcast has mostly focused on dealing with the "chaos" in the title. This week, Ian discusses leadership itself. So here's the question. What is leadership?
8th October 2020

EP 24: Culture in Chaos

In episode 24, Ian reminisces on an old interview he did about how culture happens in organisations.
1st October 2020

EP 23: Presidential Leadership in Chaos

Ian reflects on the recent (2020) US presidential debate and what it means for leadership. 
22nd September 2020

EP 22: Listening Beyond Bias

In this episode, Ian discusses the skill of suspending our biases, in order to create connection in our communication. The maxim is to hold your own labels lightly, not tightly.
10th September 2020

EP 21: Bias in Chaos

Ian discusses the importance of identifying and addressing bias, especially during times of heightened tension and ambiguity.
20th August 2020

Ep 20: Commitment in Chaos

Ian discusses how building commitment is a key skill for successful leadership, especially during times of increased uncertainty. Ian describes four conversational tools, that, when used appropriately can help to build commitment.
12th August 2020

EP 19: Zooming Out in Chaos

Ian returns from a period of "Zooming Out" on family vacation to share some thoughts. He discusses why, as Leaders, there is a natural tendency to not zoom out. However, there are many benefits, from both a personal and professional perspective to looking at the bigger picture. Enjoy!
23rd July 2020

EP 18: Context in Chaos

The final episode of this series focuses on the importance of listening for the other side of a conversation, argument or agreement. Context is King. Ian explains how context is unique to humans and how the human brain creates context. Part 3 of 3. Enjoy!
15th July 2020

EP17: Conversations in Chaos Part 2

In this episode, Ian continues his exploration of managing your reputation and conversations in chaos. Ian further explains the concept of residue, how it impacts conversations, and your bottom line. This is episode 2 of 3. Enjoy!
8th July 2020

EP 16: Conversations in Chaos Part 1

In this episode Ian shares why conversations are key to maintaining a positive relationship with your people. He discussed how there is nothing like a conversation or the power of a conversation to either connect us or divide us.
2nd July 2020

EP 15: Mid-Term Report Leadership Insights in Chaos

In this episode, Ian covers some interesting insights from the last 15 episodes and polls from our leadership in chaos webinars.
24th June 2020

EP 14: Motivation In Chaos Part 3

In this final part of the Motivation in chaos episode, Ian explores how the factors that can motivate people can show up at home with our friends and families. He explains how motivating people in the wrong way can have disastrous consequences. Part 3 of 3. Enjoy!
17th June 2020

EP 13: Motivation in Chaos Part 2

In this episode, Ian continues his exploration of how to motivate your people in chaos and how everyone is driven by different motivations. This is part 2 of 3. Enjoy!
10th June 2020

EP 12: Motivation in Chaos Part 1

This episode covers motivating your people in times of chaos. Ian discusses the five core factors that influence human behaviour and motivation as introduced the Neuroleadership Institute and David Rock in his SCARF model.
3rd June 2020

EP 11: Remote Leadership Part 3 Omnibus

In this episode, we explore leading when your team is dispersed in a digital world. This is the final of the 3-part series and brings all elements together. Ian particularly explores the concept of genuine enquiry.
27th May 2020

EP 10: Remote Leadership Part 2

In this episode we explore leading when your team is dispersed in a digital world. Ian focuses on the importance of creating clarity among your team, and what this might look like. This is part 2 of 3. Enjoy!
21st May 2020

EP 9: Remote Leadership Part 1

In this episode we explore leading when your team is dispersed in a digital world. Ian describes a simple formula which can help leaders connect to their team when working remotely. This is part 1 of 3. 
13th May 2020

EP 8: Building Trust

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” – Warren Buffett. In this episode, Ian reflects on the importance of Trust in times of chaos. This episode looks at how we tend to react in times of uncertainty and the two neural systems that are at play. He then explains 5 % moments and how, depending on how Leaders show up in them, they can either build or break trust.
6th May 2020

EP 7: Finding Gold in the Dirt

“Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” - Napoleon Hill. In episode 7, Ian speaks about the Chaos Room. What is the Chaos Room? How are Leaders and Organisations dealing with the chaos room? and, The Leadership responsibility amidst the chaos. Finally, some guiding questions for leaders. Enjoy!
29th April 2020

EP 6: Be Your Best Self

Ian shares how to be your best self in times of chaos. Self care is core when you are in the chaos room. Ian discusses the Zeigarnik Effect, asks who is in your War Cabinet, and the importance of being kind to yourself.
22nd April 2020

EP 5: Clarity in Chaos

Episode 5 is about clarity in chaos, where our communication must be ultra clear, even if that is the delivery of bad news. This episode includes an extract from a live webinar for the Executive Institute.
15th April 2020

EP 4: Connecting in Chaos

Connecting in Chaos features an extract from the GreenLine Conversations Leadership in Chaos Webinar with GreenLine Conversations co-founder Blair Steinbach. We reference some of the GreenLine methodologies around the commitment cards which help us Enquire, Hear, Acknowledge and Straight Talk.   We also reference the Red Brain, the fight or flight system we engage when we feel threatened. Enjoy.
6th April 2020

EP 3: Communicating In Chaos – Shape the Story

This episode is about how we, as leaders, shape the story. Storytelling is an essential human skill; it helps us make sense of the world. Therefore, the stories we tell become vitally important.
30th March 2020

EP 2: The Calmest Person in the Boat

In this episode Ian shares the story of the Vietnamese boat people and draws lessons for leadership, inspired by Rudyard Kippling's poem "If".
24th March 2020

EP 1: Keep Calm and Carry on Leading

In episode one, Ian discusses how Leaders can navigate the current climate. Remembering that we often judge ourselves by our good intentions, while others judge us by our impact.